Introduction to blogging

Hey everyone, this is my first and only blog, so bear with me as I get used to this new social media.  I wanted to start off by introducing myself.  My name is Joe Hart and I'm a horror author.  As of today I have one book, self published on Midnight Paths: A collection of Dark Horror.  I'm currently working on a novel that should be available late next fall.

So, I've dedicated this blog to everything to do with horror, independent publishing, and writing in general.  I'm planning on posting a different topic or subject each week, just kinda going where the wind takes me.

To begin I'd like to just bring everyone up to date on my history, my book, and basically my life in general.

I've been writing since I was 9.  I tapped away on my mother's electronic typewriter and tried to think up stories to scare my parents with.  Since then I've written over a 100 poems, around 50 short stories, two novellas, and I'm currently working on a full-length novel.  My journey into the self publishing world began when I was working on a survival novel.  I kept getting ideas for short horror stories and I kept writing them down.  After a time, they just wouldn't go away and kept calling my name to finish them.  I began writing on them in earnest in mid-summer this year and finished editing them in the middle of October.  My book went live on October 18th and its been going well ever since.  The self publishing option is a God-send for upcoming writers (I won't get into details in this post since I'm keeping it light :)

I'm married to a wonderful woman and have 2 beautiful children who light up my life from dawn til dusk.  That's really why I write, so hopefully someday I'll be able to do this full-time and do what I've always dreamed of.  If you haven't checked out my book yet on Amazon, please help an independent writer out and do so.

Some of my inspiration for this blog comes from J.A. Konrath and Scott Nicholson- two extremely talented writers who have had a ton of success self publishing.  Check them out on Amazon if you haven't already.

That's really all for now, like I said I just want to do an intro and get the feel for this blogging stuff- maybe it'll come in handy someday when I actually have a following of people.  Thank you, to everyone who has purchased my book and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.  If you're on Twitter, please follow me there.  I try to think of witty things to say when I'm not actually writing.

Until next time, take care and I'll see you soon on this dark path.

-Joe Hart