Temporary Lull

So as the title of the post says I've had a short lull in blogging. This time of year always seems to be the busiest for me, as I'm sure it is with most people. I'm about to begin a few final edits on my second novel Singularity which I'll be posting updates on as I get closer to a release date. Also within the last few strides of finishing my latest WIP which should be done in the next week or so.

Part of my absence from blogging has also been attributed to my computer being a major pile of worthless crap as it wouldn't allow me to use the internet for a period of two weeks. Finally got it fixed today and am purchasing a new computer today.

Little side-note, I'm giving away my collection of horror stories away today only for free on Amazon, so check it out if you get a chance. The link is below if you're so inclined-

Midnight Paths

Other than that it's business as usual around here. Hope everyone had a great holiday and be safe tonight if out gallivanting. Cheers!